21.10.2013. 17:00
Prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has put forward a Motion with the Court of BiH seeking custody against eight persons deprived of liberty by authorized officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency –SIPA.
18.10.2013. 18:06
The European Commission published a 2013 progress report, the significant part of which is dedicated to strengthening of the rule of law and judicial reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
18.10.2013. 15:40
Prosecutor of Department III within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an Indictment against Franjo Vidović, born on August 12, 1950 in Hrgovi Donji, Gradačac Municipality, with prior convictions, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, charging him with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Arms, Military Equipment and Dual Use Products under Article 193 of the Criminal Code of BiH, in conjunction with Article 29 of the same Code.
18.10.2013. 15:38
The Prosecutor's Office of BiH has issued an Indictment against one person charged with the criminal offense of Illicit Trade in Excise Products, as referred to in Article 210a of the BiH CC.
18.10.2013. 15:34
The Prosecutor's Office of BiH has issued an Indictment against three persons charged with the criminal offense of Illicit Trade in Excise Products, as referred to in Article 210a of the BiH CC.
17.10.2013. 17:07
This morning, acting pursuant to an Order issued by the Prosecutor's Office of BiH, authorized SIPA police officers deprived eight persons of their liberty in the territory of Rogatica and its surroundings, on suspicion of the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity.
17.10.2013. 17:03
The accused Mirnes Husičić, born on 04 June 1991 in Tuzla, where he also resides, citizen of BiH, charged with the criminal offense of Counterfeiting of Money, as referred to in Article 205, Paragraph 1, as read with Article 29 of the Criminal Code of BiH, has entered into a Plea Agreement admitting guilt.
14.10.2013. 15:15
Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH has issued an Indictment against four persons charged with the Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs.
11.10.2013. 15:02
The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has issued an Indictment against Aleksandra Rakić- Novaković, charged with the criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud, as referred to in Article 210 of the Criminal Code of BiH.
10.10.2013. 15:00
At the site of Tomašica in Prijedor Municipality, intensive activities continue.