02.04.2015. 15:14The aforementioned accused persons are charged, as a Commander and members of the HVO Military Police, respectively, with unlawful deprivation of liberty of Serb civilian population and with keeping those civilians detained in inhumane conditions and torturing them, as well as with killings of sixteen (16) civilians of Serb ethnicity, during the widespread and systematic attack of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) and the HVO Military Police directed against Serb civilian population of the Municipality of Livno, from April of 1992 to July of 1993.
Namely, the crimes charged against these suspects were committed against more than three hundred (300) victims of Serb ethnicity from the territory of Livno, who were unlawfully imprisoned in the Ivan Goran Kovačić School in Livno and kept under the control of the HVO Military Police. This facility had all the characteristics of a detention camp, where the prisoners, men and a few women among them, were subjected to multiple mistreatments, tortures and beatings. Three (3) victims succumbed to their wounds incurred by such mistreatments, whereas thirteen (13) imprisoned civilians were taken from the detention camp and killed, and their bodies were found burned down at locations in the vicinity of Livno.
These accused persons are charged, as officials of the Military Police, with personally participating and aiding and abetting the tortures and mistreatments of the victims, as well as with inflicting severe physical injuries upon the victims and with depriving the victims of food and basic living conditions.
As a result of the crimes committed, a large number of citizens of Serb ethnicity was expelled or left the territory of Livno and they never returned to their homes from before the war.
Together with the Indictment, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has proposed examination of more than eighty (80) witnesses, with a large number of aggrieved victims among them, and it has supported the Indictment with more than 120 pieces of evidentiary material.
These accused persons are charged with the commission of the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity, as referred to in Article 172 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Indictment will be forwarded to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for confirmation.
This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).