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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



05.12.2013. 15:20
The Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor's Office issued an indictment against four persons charging them with illicit international trafficking in narcotic drugs.

The indictment was issued against the following persons:

- B.R. (1980) from Trebinje, BiH citizen,

- S.R. (1985) from Trebinje, BiH citizen,

- D.G. (1972) from Trebinje, BiH citizen and.

- V.P. (1976) from Trebinje, BiH citizen.

The accused are charged to have, during the period from November 2009 until May 2010, become members of an organized criminal group, which committed criminal offenses related to illicit international sale, transfer, interceding and delivery of narcotics "Heroin" and "Marijuana", which are banned in BiH  pursuant to applicable regulations; and to have, following a prior agreement made with other members of an organized criminal group known to them, participated in the international trafficking of narcotics from the Republic of Montenegro to Bosnia and Herzegovina and further to the Republic of Croatia.

The indictment alleges that, after the accused B.R., as the organizer, and the accused S.R., as a member of an organized criminal group, agreed with persons from Montenegro known to them to buy 8 kg of narcotic drug "Marijuana", they went to the Republic of Montenegro on December 23, 2009 in order to inspect the narcotic drugs and agree on its price and delivery method.

On December 25, 2009 the accused B.R. engaged the accused D.G., who is an employee of PSC Trebinje, to go to the territory of the Republic of Montenegro and take over the agreed amount of narcotics. The accused D.G. has then, invoked his police powers in order to avoid detailed control by the border police, and transported 10 packages  of “Cannabis sativa L" of the Cannabaceae family in the total net weight of 8644,7 grams through the border crossing with Montenegro, with the intent to handover 5kg to the accused B.R. for further sale and to keep the rest for himself in order to have it sold in Trebinje and its surroundings, but the members of PSC Trebinje have carried out a search of his motor vehicle and found the narcotic drug.

The accused B.R. sold his vehicle in December to a person who had paid only part of the cost while the rest of the amount was arranged to be compensated by drugs purchased in Montenegro. The buyer has organized the transfer and transport of narcotic drugs, by hiring persons known to him to carry out the transport of the same across the state border into Bosnia and Herzegovina and to hide it in the area of Bileća municipality. During the transport of drugs to Trebinje, where the accused B.R. was supposed to take over the drugs, members of PSC Trebinje have, on February 27, 2010 found the drug - one package of narcotic drug "Heroin" - total net weight of 519.96 grams.  

As further alleged in the indictment, the accused B.R. has, from the end of 2009 to April 2010 organized purchase, transport and transfer of marijuana from Montenegro across the state border to Bosnia and has repeatedly sold it to the accused V.P. who then sold the drug to end users in Trebinje. In early April 2010 the accused V.P. sold 3 kg of Marijuana to customers in Trebinje for the amount of EUR 4,000.00 as well as 2 kg of Marijuana for the amount of EUR 2,900.00; on April 9, 2009 he sold 0,5 kg of Marijuana for the amount of EUR 1,270.00. Members of PSC Trebinje have, on April 9, 2010 found 78.16 grams of the narcotic drug "Cannabis sativa L" of the Cannabaceae family in possession of the accused V.P..

The accused B.R. is charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250, Paragraph 3 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH; the other accused persons: S.R, D.G. and V.P. are charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250, Paragraph 2 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195 Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH.

The indictment was forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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