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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina


A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland

24.05.2013. 15:18
A group of officials from Prosecutor’s Offices from the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, accompanied by representatives of the HJPC of BiH, visited Zurich and met with high-ranking officials of the Prosecutor’s Office in Zurich and the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office.   
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland
  • A representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH was member of the delegation that met with officials from Prosecutors Offices in Switzerland

At these meetings, the public relations segment and the issue of communication between Prosecutor’s Offices and media were discussed and the delegation exchanged their experiences in this area with their Swiss colleagues.

During this meeting, Mr. Boris Grubešić, spokesperson and representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, presented external and internal communication models of Prosecutor’s Office of BiH and the institution’s cooperation with media, public, government institutions and non-governmental sector.

The activities of the Prosecutor’s Office pertaining to the public relations segment and the issue of providing media with information and news on the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office were presented at the meeting. Among other things, in 2012, the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH forwarded more than 350 pieces of information and news about its activities.

Eleven officials from Prosecutor’s Offices from the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina had an opportunity to meet with the Chief Prosecutor of the Zurich Canton and with Prosecutors from the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office, to discuss with them and exchange experience on issues related to public information on the activities of Prosecutor’s Offices and public communication models, including the spokespersons’ work, distribution of information to media, providing information through Prosecutor’s Offices’ official web sites and other ways of communication with media, public and local community.       

The following representatives were members of the BiH Prosecutor’s Offices delegation on a study visit to Zurich:

-      Prosecutor’s Office of BiH,

-      HJPC BiH,

-      Republic Prosecutor’s Office of Republika Srpska,

-      District Prosecutor’s Office in Doboj,

-      Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo,

-      Public Prosecutor’s Office of Brčko District of BiH,

-      District Prosecutor’s Office in Trebinje,

-      Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Široki Brijeg,

-      Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Livno,

-      Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Travnik, and

-      Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in Zenica.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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