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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



07.02.2013. 15:14
Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crimes and Corruption within the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH entered into plea agreements with persons accused of Organized Crime under Article 250, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud under Article 210 of the CC BiH and the criminal Offense of Tax Evasion under Article 273 of the CC F BiH, all in  conjunction with Article 31 of the CC BiH.

The following persons concluded plea agreements:

1.   The accused legal person „A&R Vodenica” Ltd. Visoko and its representative Adnan RAŠČIĆ. The prosecutor proposed that the legal person be rendered a criminal sanction of Dissolution of the Legal Person under Article 134 of the CC BiH by the Court of BiH.

2.   The accused Adnan RAŠČIĆ AKA “Dado”, born on October 13, 1970 in Visoko where he resides, BiH citizen. The prosecutor proposed that the accused Adnan Raščić be sentenced to a conditional imprisonment sentence in duration of one (1) year by the Court of BiH that shall not be executed providing that he does not commit another criminal offence within a two (2) year period, as well as that the proceeds of crime in the amount of 4.700,30 BAM be seized from him.

3.   The accused legal person „Art Prom“ Ltd. Grude and its representative Branko LEKO. The prosecutor proposed that the legal person be rendered a criminal sanction of Dissolution of the Legal Person under Article 134 of the CC BiH by the Court of BiH.

4.   The accused Branko LEKO AKA “Crni”, born on July 24, 1972 in Grude municipality where he resides, BiH citizen. The prosecutor proposed that the accused Branko Leko be sentenced to a conditional imprisonment sentence in duration of two (2) years by the Court of BiH that shall not be executed providing that he does not commit another criminal  offence within a four (4) year period, as well as that the proceeds of crime in the amount of 3.824,63 BAM be seized from him

5.   The accused legal person „Fazex“ Ltd. Tuzla, and its representative Mirav DROPIĆ. The prosecutor proposed that the legal person be rendered a criminal sanction of Dissolution of the Legal Person under Article 134 of the CC BiH by the Court of BiH.

6.   The accused Mirav DROPIĆ AKA “Mire”, born on July 24,1980 in Tuzla where he resides, BiH citizen. The prosecutor proposed that the accused Mirav Dropić be sentenced to a conditional imprisonment sentence in duration of two (2) years by the Court of BiH that shall not be executed providing that he does not commit another criminal  offence within a four (4) year period, as well as that the proceeds of crime in the amount of 5.000,00 BAM be seized from him

7.   The accused legal person „Tim hans“ Ltd. Tuzla, and its representative Amalija TOMIĆ. The prosecutor proposed that the legal person be rendered a criminal sanction of Dissolution of the Legal Person under Article 134 of the CC BiH by the Court of BiH

8.   The accused Amalija TOMIĆ, born on October 23, 1976 in Tuzla where she resides, BiH citizen. The prosecutor proposed that the accused Amalija Tomić be sentenced to a conditional imprisonment sentence in duration of two (2) years by the Court of BiH that shall not be executed providing that she does not commit another criminal offence within a four (4) year period, as well as that the proceeds of crime in the amount of 5.193,98 BAM be seized from her.


By virtue of signing the agreements all of the accused persons fully admitted committing the criminal offense they were charged with by the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH issued on May 7, 2012 that was confirmed by the Preliminary Hearing judge on May 15, 2012.


The proposed sentences are in line with the roles of the accused persons in commission of the criminal offenses listed in the indictment in the Case v. Fahrudin Čago et al.


By virtue of signing this agreement all of the accused persons agreed to testify before the Court of BiH in the proceedings against the other accused persons in this case when summoned by the Prosecutor's Office and the Court of BiH.


With this agreement the accused persons confirm that they are aware of the content of the indictment issued by the BiH Prosecutor's Office. They also confirm that the plea statements were given voluntarily, knowingly, with full understanding without any coercion or persuasion.


Pursuant to this agreement the aforementioned accused persons have waived their right to a trial and appeal to the criminal sanction that shall be rendered to them by the Court of BiH.


The agreements were submitted to the Court of BiH.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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