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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



24.04.2012. 14:56
The Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against three persons charging them with the preparation and execution of a terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo, committed on October 28, 2011.

Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against the following persons:

Mevlid JAŠAREVIĆ, born on December 20, 1988 in Novi Pazar - the Republic of Serbia, a citizen of the Republic of Serbia, currently in custody,

  1. Emrah FOJNICA, born on June 16, 1991 in Zenica, residing in Gornja Maoča, BiH citizen, currently in custody, and
  2. Munib AHMETSPAHIĆ, born on June 20, 1990 in Zenica, BiH citizen, currently in custody.

The accused are charged to have become members of an organized terrorist group that was organized within the so-called. Wahhabi community in Gornja Maoča, with the aim of expressing their dissatisfaction with the status of their community and other similar communities in the country, Europe and the entire world through actions taken against institutions and authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and institutions and authorities of other countries that have diplomatic missions in BIH thus asking for a change in the position of the aforementioned communities through violence and terrorist acts.

The execution of these activities was planned through extortion of concessions from the authorities, demands for NATO forces to leave Afghanistan, threats made against the citizens of the United States and Germany, intimidation of the population and destabilization of the fundamental political and constitutional structure of government, as well as through the preparation and execution of actions that have the characteristics of crimes and are stipulated as such in the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The accused are charged to have, as members of an organized terrorist group, decided to take joint action in 2011 in order to achieve the objectives described above and to have committed a terrorist act within the scope of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of BiH by attacking the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The accused have, together with persons known to them, made preparations for this terrorist act i.e. procured weapons and military equipment, including sniper weapons and made plans for the execution of a terrorist act by dividing activities related to the execution of a terrorist attack among themselves.

The indictment alleges that the accused Mevlid JASAREVIĆ has, on October 28, 2011, after he had recorded a DVD a message in which he explains the reasons for such a terrorist act and says goodbye to his family, committed a terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, during which he fired from an automatic rifle for 50 minutes, and has for certain fired 105 bullets from an automatic weapon at the embassy building, including the premises where the police officers of the Agency for Coordination of Police Authorities in BiH tasked with securing the facility were located.

During this attack, the accused JAŠAREVIĆ uttered loud threats to embassy officials and citizens who found themselves near the scene. During the firearm action a police officer who was guarding the embassy building was seriously injured, mayor damage was caused to the embassy building, and the event in question caused a serious security violation and safety concerns among citizens and representatives of the diplomatic corps in Bosnia, which has had unforeseen consequences on the international reputation and position of Bosnia and Herzegovina and by which all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina were harmed.

The accused Emrah FOJNICA and Munib AHMETSPAHIĆ, are charged to have participated in the preparations as well as the terrorist attack, and to have following the attack, together with other persons known to them, removed traces of it in the Gornja Maoča area, to have removed the DVD farewell message and to have destroyed and removed ammunition and military equipment that was purchased for the terrorist act, but which was fund during investigation.

The accused Mevlid JAŠAREVIĆ is charged to have committed a terrorist act as a member of a terrorist group, with the aim of seriously intimidating the population or unduly compelling the authorities of another state to perform or abstain from performing any act, by committing an attack upon person’s life which may result in death, thus causing great damage to the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo, whereby he committed the criminal offense of Organizing a Terrorist Group under Article 202d, Paragraph 2 of the CC BiH, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Terrorism under Article 201, Paragraph 1 in conjunction with Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs a) and d) of the Criminal Code of BiH.

The accused Emrah FOJNICA and Munib AHMETSPAHIĆ are charged to have, as members of a terrorist group, obtained resources and taken other actions that have created the conditions for the commission of the criminal offense of Terrorism and to have committed the criminal offense of Organizing a Terrorist Group under Article 202d. Paragraph 2 of the CC BiH, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Terrorism under Article 201, Paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code of BiH.

During the investigation in this case cooperation was established between all police and security agencies operating in BiH, as well as with law enforcement agencies of neighboring countries, and police officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from the U.S.A.

The Prosecutor's Office of BiH shall prove the responsibility of the accused through statements of 39 witnesses and expert witnesses and more than 100 pieces of material evidence that were submitted with the indictment.                       

The indictment was forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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