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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



23.02.2012. 15:16
The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has filed an Indictment against Predrag Prošić, charged with the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity, as referred to in Article 172(1)(h) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in conjunction with Article 29 and Article 180(1) of the same Code.

Prosecutor of the Regional Team I within the Special Department for War Crimes of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office has filed an Indictment against Predrag Prošić, born on 20 February 1963 in Sanski Most, resident of Prijedor, citizen of BiH.  

As a member of the 6th Sana Brigade, Predrag Prošić is charged with perpetrating a persecution of Bosniak civilians on political, national and religious grounds at the end of May 1992, as part of a widespread and systematic attack of the Army of Republika Srpska of BiH, Territorial Defense, police and paramilitary formations against Bosnian Muslim, Croat, and other non-Serb civilians on the wider area of Bosanska Krajina, including the attack on the territory of Sanski Most Municipality, by participating in enforced disappearances and other inhumane acts committed for the purpose of causing great suffering and serious physical and mental injuries.

Among other things, the Accused is charged with conducting searches of family houses in Sanski Most- Mahala and Muhići settlements, on 27 May 1992, together with other soldiers, and with unlawfully forcing civilians, children, women and men out of their houses, and threatening them with firearms and thus compelling them to move in the direction of Krkojevci, a place designated as a collection point; there, guarded by armed soldiers, they were kept for a whole day, only to be further deported to the city center and detained on the premises of the ”Narodni Front” Primary School and a Sports Hall, which have been transformed into detention centers.

As further alleged in the Indictment, on the very same day, this accused person came with a group of soldiers in front of the house of a Bosniak civilian in the Mahala settlement of Sanski Most, entered his house and started shooting from an automatic rifle and killed eight civilians, including one pregnant woman; after that, he set the house of fire and left the house. The bodies of these killed persons were exhumed from the “Greda I” mass grave site in Kruhari- Sanski Most and subsequently identified.

Inter alia, the Indictment alleges that, on that same day, that is, on 27 May 1992, in the Mahala settlement of Sanski Most, the Accused, armed and with other soldiers, went to another Bosniak house and found three civilians there; they took those civilians forcibly towards the Krkojevci settlement and shot and killed them there. The bodies of these civilians were exhumed from the “Greda I” mass grave site in Kruhari- Sanski Most and subsequently identified.

The Accused is charged with committing the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity, as referred to in Article 172(1)(h) of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in conjunction with Article 29 and Article 180(1) of the same Code. 

The Indictment has been forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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