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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



24.01.2012. 15:13
The Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against Jukić Željko, charging him with the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity under Article 172, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph h) in conjunction with Subparagraphs a), d), i) and k) of the CC of BiH, all in conjunction with Article 180, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH.

Prosecutor of the Regional Prosecution Team V of the Special Department for War Crimes within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against Jukić Željko, born on January 15, 1970 in Prozor municipality, residing in Dubrovnik - Republic of Croatia, deprived of liberty on November 2, 2011 pursuant to an international arrest warrant, a citizen of BiH and the Republic of Croatia.

Jukić Željko is charged with having, during the period from July to the end of September 1993 and during a widespread and systematic attack of the military forces of the HVO and HV, directed against the civilian Bosniak population of Prozor municipality, as a member of the HVO Brigade "Rama" persecuted Bosniak civilian population on political, ethnic and religious grounds, participated in the killings, forced disappearances and other inhumane acts in the intent of causing great suffering and serious physical and mental injuries.

The indictment alleges that the accused Jukić Željko has in the evening of August 3, 1993 along with the accused Papak Vinko and another HVO soldier arrived at the premises of the high school center in Prozor, where he participated in the forced disappearance of five people who were unlawfully detained in the camp and took them to the dump, "Duška kosa" after which they disappeared without a trace.

The accused is, inter alia, charged that on July 6, 1993 together with a group of HVO members he participated in the attack on Bosniak civilians in the village of Duga - Prozor municipality, on which occasion he killed a seventy-three-year-old man, whom he found outside of his family house, by firing several shots into his body.

As further alleged in the indictment, in mid July 1993, early in the morning, the accused along with the other accused Vinko Papak and other HVO members took part in the escort of the transport of hundreds of Bosniak men who were taken from prisons located in the town of Prozor into camp Dretelj in Čapljina, where they were subjected to inhumane treatment, physical and psychological mistreatment. 

The accused is charged with involvement in taking a number of Bosniak persons in an unknown direction who have since disappeared without a trace, where only one victim has managed to survive the shooting. 

The indictment, inter alia, alleges that on August 28, 1993 together with other members of the HVO the accused took part in organized forcible transfer of the Bosniak population from the area of Prozor municipality, during which, armed with automatic rifle, he forced Bosniak civilians from Lapsunj village to flee their homes and enter the trucks that have previously arrived and were used to transport them to the area under the control of Army of BiH, as well as that he has participated in the forced disappearance of Terzić Kerim, whose body has not been found to date. On the same day in Ustire a place located in Prozor municipality Jukić Željko took part in the beating of several Bosniak men and tied a rope around the neck of one of them treating him in extremely degrading way.

The accused is charged with having committed Crimes against Humanity - Persecution under Article 172, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph h) in conjunction with Subparagraphs a), d), i) and k) of the CC of BiH, all in conjunction with Article 180, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH.

The indictment was forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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