17.06.2014. 10:44
The Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Goran Salihović, has met with the Director of the USAID Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. David Barth.
16.06.2014. 13:22
Molim Vas da nam odgovorite u kojoj fazi je istraga koja se odnosi na ubistva Srđana Kneževića, Riste Jugovića i Željka Markovića, odnosno da li Tuzilastvo namjerava da uskoro okonča istragu i procesuira izvršioce i naredbodavce tih zločina.
Podsjecamo da je zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Doma naroda parlamenta BiH Staša Košarac na sjednici ovog doma postavio delegatsko pitanje u kome je tražio da Tužilaštvo BiH odgovori kada će rasvijetliti ova ubistva, a nakon toga uputio I pismo glavnom tužiocu BiH Goranu Salihoviću u kojem apeluje da se, osam godina nakon što je iz Okružnog tužilaštva u Istočnom Sarajevu izuzeti predmet koji se odnose na ova ubistva, konacno procesuiraju izvršioce i naredbodavce tih zločina.
S postovanjem,
Novinska agencija SRNA
Dopisnistvo Istocno Sarajevo
13.06.2014. 19:15
A Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH filed a motion for remand in custody to the Court of BiH for twelve suspects and a motion for imposure of prohibiting measures for one suspect, for whom there exist grounded suspicion that they have committed the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195 of the CC BiH.
13.06.2014. 14:40
An exhumation was carried out at the location of Kameničko brdo - Kršlje in Bratunac municipality under the supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH. Incomplete remains of three victims were unearthed.
11.06.2014. 12:22
The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH firmly denies the rumors and informs the public that the indictment in the case against Zubac Goran has not been returned to the Prosecutor’s Office and adds that this is misinformation.
11.06.2014. 09:49
Večernji list daily, the issue of 9 June 2014, page 8, published the interview in which the BIH Justice Minister Bariša Čolak stated: „Prosecutor Salihović and Court President Kreso want judges and prosecutors to be outside the evaluation system which is not in conformity with impartial justice“, which is completely untrue.
09.06.2014. 15:25
Acting on orders of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH authorized officers of the Border Police BiH arrested a customs officers employed in ITA BiH this morning at Sarajevo Airport. The customs officer is suspected of committing corruption offenses investigated within the operation codenamed ’’Gold’’.
09.06.2014. 15:07
The Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, Goran Salihović met with officials from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs which operates within the U.S. Government.