10.12.2014. 15:07
The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has filed an Appeal against the Acquitting Verdict in relation to the three persons charged with the criminal offenses of destruction of surplus weapons, whereby unlawful material gain of approximately BAM 500,000.00 was acquired.
09.12.2014. 15:20
Prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against the following persons:
08.12.2014. 15:14
Prosecutor of the Special Department of War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has put forward a Motion with the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina seeking that prohibiting measures be ordered against the four (4) persons with the following initials: Š. J. (1958), T. H. F. (1958), Š. S. (1970) and K. Z. (1976), who are suspected of war crimes.
05.12.2014. 12:23
Early this morning, upon the orders of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia, a police operation was conducted simultaneously in the territories of the two respective states and several suspects were deprived of liberty; ten (10) suspects were arrested in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whereas five (5) suspects were arrested in the Republic of Serbia.
03.12.2014. 11:16
At the regional conference of Prosecutor’s Offices, which is being held at the highest international level in Palić in Serbia, strong international support was extended to the ongoing regional cooperation between the respective Prosecutor’s Offices of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia related to the prosecution of war crimes cases.
01.12.2014. 15:07
The accused is charged with war crimes committed against dozens of Serb victims, including deprivation of life and forced disappearance of more than 10 persons and rape and abuse of a large number of Serb female victims.
13.11.2014. 15:31
Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Goran Salihović met with the Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY - Serge Brammertz.
12.11.2014. 15:18
By order of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency have, early this morning in Bosanski Brod, arrested Mato Čondrić - born on January 21, 1964.
12.11.2014. 14:06
In 2014 a recorded BAM 275 million were collected in terms of VAT which is an increase compared to the previous year and is a result of joint efforts and prosecutions of the cases in the fight against illegalities in the area of indirect taxes.