05.07.2018. 15:06
Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against:
04.07.2018. 14:39
Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against Mehmedalija Pašalić, born in 1972 in Gornji Lukavac, in Gradačac Municipality, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
04.07.2018. 14:39
Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption has issued an Indictment against the following persons:
04.07.2018. 14:35
The accused are charged to have committed smuggling of illegal migrants, some of whom were minors, during the past year, on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
03.07.2018. 14:57
Two persons are charged with planning a terrorist attack in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in doing which they were detected and prevented by the Prosecutor’s Office and police agencies.
03.07.2018. 13:19
Early this morning, as ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and acting upon the instructions given by a Prosecutor, police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) deprived of liberty a war crime suspect in the territory of Vlasenica Municipality.
29.06.2018. 13:28
The participants of the meeting presented their experiences, good practices and problems in the prosecution of terrorism offences and related criminal offences in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
20.06.2018. 12:17
Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption issued an indictment against the following person:
19.06.2018. 13:41
At the meeting, colleagues from Germany were informed about jurisdiction, internal organization, the work and achieved results of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH during its 15 years of existence, as well as the activities that the Prosecutor’s Office undertakes in strengthening the rule of law and bringing Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to European integration.
12.06.2018. 15:00
Acting Chief Prosecutor of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office Gordana Tadić and Prosecutor Milanko Kajganić - contact point for EUROJUST, participated at the conference “Eurojust and cooperation with third states” – experiences and challenges in the Western Balkan countries.