24.10.2018. 15:05
Prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes in charge of this case has been informed by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina that the Indictment has been confirmed in its entirety, as well as that the next hearing in the case has been scheduled for 31 October this year.
19.10.2018. 15:18
The accused Slađan Pajić (1970) is charged with the war crime of rape and sexual abuse of Bosniak victims, as well as with the torture, beating and mistreatment of unlawfully detained civilians.
15.10.2018. 15:12
An indictment was filed against Goran Mojović (1969) for Crimes against Humanity in violation of Article 172 of the BiH Criminal Code, in conjunction with Article 183 (1) - Destruction of Cultural, Historical and Religious Monuments.
12.10.2018. 15:11
A meeting of the Task Force for Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings and Organised Illegal Immigration has been held at the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, chaired by the Acting Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina Gordana Tadić.
12.10.2018. 14:52
Central topics of the meeting pertained to the implementation of a project of enhancing war crime case processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
12.10.2018. 14:05
In her address at the Conference, she has highlighted the significance of regional cooperation in the prosecution of war crimes cases, as well as the importance of the support that the ICTY/MICT Office of the Prosecutor extends to regional prosecutor’s offices in their efforts to prosecute and punish war crimes.
12.10.2018. 13:28
Under the supervision of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, an exhumation was carried out at the site of a local Muslim graveyard in the municipality of Pale and the mortal remains of one person were found.
12.10.2018. 13:17
The following accused persons entered a guilty plea agreement with a prosecutor of the Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH:
11.10.2018. 15:00
The accused are charged with crimes against humanity, including the killings of more than 300 persons, persecutions and abuse of civilians and prisoners of war, as well as the destruction of 38 orthodox temples, churches and religious objects.
11.10.2018. 14:57
The indictment covers the killing of at least 16 people, persecution, torture and abuse of the civilian population.