26.06.2019. 14:58
For the purpose of solving the problem of restoring the devastated location Smiljevići, an Agreement on the Implementation of Joint Procurement of Works for the Restoration of the Devastated Location of the Regional Waste Management Centre Smiljevići was signed in the premises of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.
21.06.2019. 15:36
Following the DNA analysis in the forthcoming period, it is expected that the identity of the persons whose remains are found will be established.
19.06.2019. 18:52
Chief Prosecutor of the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals Serge Brammertz and Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina Gordana Tadic met today in Sarajevo in preparation for Prosecutor Brammertz’s upcoming report to the UN Security Council and to discuss issues of mutual concern.
19.06.2019. 13:08
In association with partner institutions from Austria, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against three citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who participated in the perpetration of the criminal offence which had the death of an Austrian citizen as a consequence. Having committed the said criminal offence, they fled to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
19.06.2019. 11:53
Due to the fact that a video, which was published on one internet portal on 21 May 2019 and then taken over by other portals and media, caused great public interest, the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH undertook a number of investigative activities in order to determine all the circumstances of the events and the persons listed in the media reports.
14.06.2019. 15:33
The analysis of the current situation in the fight against terrorism, as well as the prosecution of returnees from foreign battlefields, were the central topics of the meeting.
12.06.2019. 15:55
These three suspects are citizens of Turkey, Iraq and the Federal Republic of Germany, respectively, who are under investigation as they are suspected to have been smuggling, for a longer period of time, migrants from the Middle East across the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and towards the border with the Republic of Croatia.
12.06.2019. 15:46
The measure of custody has been proposed due to the risk of the suspect’s flight.
12.06.2019. 11:29
Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić and Prosecutors from the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina have had the roles of moderators, presenters and participants, respectively, regarding several topics from prosecutorial practice that fall within the jurisdiction of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
10.06.2019. 15:04
After taking office, the new prosecutors will be assigned to the prosecutorial departments of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.