19.07.2019. 13:57
With these plea agreements the case is fully completed.
19.07.2019. 11:28
The Chief Prosecutor of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office held a collegium of all prosecutors at which the results achieved were analyzed, plans for improvement of the work in the coming period presented and amendments to the internal structure, aimed at achieving more efficiency in the case work, discussed.
17.07.2019. 13:21
At the meeting, representatives of the project implemented by OSCE Mission presented the planned interface and the manner in which the electronic database will operate to the Chief Prosecutor, the officials of the Special Department for War Crimes and employees working with databases.
17.07.2019. 12:35
The accused Milorad Govedarica (1955) is charged to have committed tax evasion in the period from 2010 to 2015, thus damaging the budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
17.07.2019. 11:20
Central topics for discussion at the meeting were activities and recommendations for more efficient war crimes prosecution.
16.07.2019. 11:16
The suspect is under investigation for smuggling of a larger quantity of hand grenades, automatic rifles, pistols, and other types of weapons and ammunition, from Bosnia and Herzegovina to The Netherlands. The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has achieved significant cooperation with partner agencies from the Federal Republic of Germany.
15.07.2019. 13:21
The accused Ibro Ćufurović (1995) is charged with the criminal offense of Organizing a Terrorist Group under Article 202d of the CC BiH.
10.07.2019. 13:29
Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić and her associates met with United Nations Development Program Resident Representative (UNDP) in BiH, Steliana Nedera
10.07.2019. 12:58
Prosecutors from five (5) countries involved in the investigation are jointly negotiating further activities related to the prosecution of persons suspected of money laundering.
09.07.2019. 14:24
Central topics of the meeting pertained to the cooperation in cases which are a joint effort of SIPA and the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.