23.09.2019. 15:08
At the exhumation site, human mortal remains have been found, which will be forwarded for further anthropological processing and identification.
19.09.2019. 14:49
Topics for discussion at the meeting were the situation regarding illegal migration through the territory of BiH and the difficulties caused by the influx of migrants.
19.09.2019. 13:52
Central topics of the meeting were regional co-operation as well as institutional cooperation of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH with judicial institutions of the Republic of France.
18.09.2019. 12:00
The meeting was also attended by members of the prosecution team working on the case, as well as the legal representative of the Memić family.
17.09.2019. 13:47
Central topics of the meeting pertained to the discussions on the current situation and future activities relating to the return of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina from foreign battlefields.
16.09.2019. 16:12
Successful co-operation is crucial to the effective fight against all forms of crime.
16.09.2019. 14:25
The suspects are under investigation and they are charged with crimes against Bosniak victims, which were committed in 1992, in the area of Foča.
16.09.2019. 12:49
Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against one physical person and one legal entity, charged with tax evasion in the amount of approximately BAM 31,000.
12.09.2019. 12:09
A working meeting was held in The Hague between the delegation of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina headed by the Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić and the delegation of the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court headed by Phakiso Motchochoko, Director of the Jurisdiction, Cooperation and Complementarity Division.
11.09.2019. 09:14
The measure of custody has been proposed due to the danger that, if at large, the suspects might hinder the inquiry, conceal evidence and influence witnesses or accessories, as well as due to the risk that, if at large, they might commit another criminal offense or complete the criminal offense.