02.09.2020. 16:04
Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, Gordana Tadić, met with the representatives of the Project for Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans (CSCWB) – IPA 2019 with the aim of summing up the activities and achieved results from the previous phase, which were financed from IPA 2017, as well as with the aim of planning future activities in BiH, in cooperation with countries of the Western Balkans and in cooperation with EU institutions and networks of importance for the fight against organised crime.
02.09.2020. 15:09
At the sites of Suhi Potok and Bukva, in the municipality of Bratunac, the process of exhumation/clearing up of the terrain has been completed at two separate micro-locations and incomplete mortal remains of at least two persons have been found. The subsequent process will determine the identity of the victims whose remains have been found.
02.09.2020. 10:36
It is a very inaccessible location, which had had to be demined first. Mortal remains have been found and they will be sent for further processing and analysis.
01.09.2020. 14:38
Central topics pertained to the plan and analysis of activities undertaken to prosecute terrorist-related offences and to prevent potential threats of terrorist activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
31.08.2020. 14:12
The suspect was deprived of liberty during an illegal transportation of ten (10) migrants, citizens of Afghanistan, including minor children, across the Drina River, from Serbia to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
29.08.2020. 11:26
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, 1 September, on the premises of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
28.08.2020. 13:00
Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadić spoke through a video-conference with Mr Tom Galloway, evaluator of the project “Strengthening the Rule of Law in BiH by Increasing Efficiency and Strengthening Independence in the Judicial Sector” supported by the British Embassy to BiH and implemented by Lucid links.
28.08.2020. 09:53
Activities are aimed at detecting and prosecuting persons suspected of organised crime and illicit trafficking in hard narcotic drugs.
28.08.2020. 09:22
The examination was carried out in the area of the Rogatica municipality, at a site in the area of the settlement of Rudo. The complete remains of one person were found and the identity of the victim whose remains were found is to be established in the subsequent process.
28.08.2020. 08:53
The accused are charged with smuggling 11 illegal migrants from the territory of Iraq.