31.12.2020. 13:51The Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gordana Tadić, held collegiums with all prosecutors from all three prosecutorial departments of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.
In meetings with prosecutors from the Special Department for War Crimes, the Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption, as well as Section III, the Chief Prosecutor discussed the work and results achieved in the past year.
It was pointed out at the collegiums that despite objective difficulties in operational work caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH managed to organise efficient work of all departments and implement health protection measures for employees and persons coming into contact with the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.
In 2020, owing to exceptional efforts of prosecutors, professional staff and all employees of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, who worked together with partner police and security agencies in BiH, countries of the region, the European Union and the world, results achieved were in the proportion similar to that recorded in previous years and they will be presented in the Report on the Work of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH for 2020.
The Special Department for War Crimes has reached the number of 900 indictees for war crimes and grave breaches of international humanitarian law since the establishment and inception of this department.
The Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption has recorded significant results in the prosecution of criminal offences of corruption, in the fight against terrorism, in the prosecution of criminal offences related to illegal migration, economic and financial crime, and participated in international operations with partner institutions from the countries of the region, EU and the world.
Within Section III, activities were carried out to prosecute criminal offences in the field of electoral processes, as well as other criminal offences, the prosecution of which is very important for meeting European standards of human rights protection and work in the field of providing international legal assistance.
The Chief Prosecutor thanked all prosecutors and employees of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH for their commitment to work, compliance with measures during the Covid-19 pandemic and the results accomplished and achieved.
This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).