28.10.2019. 18:09Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH Gordana Tadić and her associates met with IRMCT Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and his team.
Meeting participants discussed the prosecution of Category 2 cases transferred to BiH from the Hague Tribunal in which the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH issued indictments, as well as the possibility of transferring Category 2 cases to Croatia and Serbia, in order to eliminate delays in the prosecution due to the unavailability of the accused and to allow for prosecution under the monitoring of the IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor.
Also discussed were the issues of transfer of cases from the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to the judicial institutions of both entities and the Brčko District of BiH, ongoing and planned activities of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH in 2019, future meetings of the Chief Prosecutors of the region, and activities on exhumations and search for the missing persons.
The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH expressed its need to further improve the cooperation with the IRMCT which would, inter alia, include organization of trainings and exchange of experiences between the two prosecutor’s offices.
The IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH hold regular working meetings with the aim of prosecuting war crimes cases as efficiently as possible, combating impunity for war crimes, as well as investing additional efforts in the process of search for the missing and their identification.
This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).