15.08.2019. 15:09The accused Zoran Simić, born in 1972 in Austria, residing in Bijeljina, in the presence of his defence counsel, signed a guilty plea agreement.
By signing the agreement, the accused fully pleaded guilty to Organised Crime and Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, that is for the offences related to the illicit manufacture and trafficking of the narcotic drug “marijuana-skunk”, which was distributed on the illegal drug market of BiH and smuggled into the territory of the Republic of Austria.
Pursuant to the agreement, the accused was offered a three-year prison sentence, confiscation of illicit material gain gained through commission of the criminal offence in the amount of BAM 10,000, as well as confiscation of items used in the commission of the crime.
By signing the agreement, the accused fully pleaded guilty and waived his right to trial, as well as the right to appeal against a judgment rendered by the Court of BiH pursuant to the agreement.
After reviewing the agreement, it was accepted and the accused was given a sentence.
In this way, the case codenamed “Damar” was completely closed, as the remaining two defendants pleaded guilty and were sentenced to prison.
As part of the case, a plantation with special climatic conditions for the cultivation of the narcotic drug “marijuana-skunk” was discovered and destroyed in the area of Bijeljina.
The “Damar” case was developed in coordination and cooperation with partner institutions and colleagues from the Republic of Austria.
This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).