31.12.2013. 11:07The accused is charged to have, during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the armed conflict between the Croatian Defense Council units and the Army of RBiH in 1993 on the territory of Žepče, as a member of the CDC, acted contrary to the rules of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions on the Protection of the Wounded and the Sick in Armed Conflict.
He is charged to have, in June 1993 arrived with another member of the CDC in the school where the wounded members of the Army of RBiH - Bosniaks were situated, after which he drove all of the wounded members of the RBH Army into the hallway i.e. about 15 of them who were able to move. Constantly intimidating the victims on discriminatory basis - for they were Bosniak, he then approached the beds where two of the wounded received infusion, smashed the infusion and fired a pistol shot into a wounded person receiving infusion causing him yet another gunshot wound, after which he threatened the other wounded person that he would kill them both, by pointing the pistol to his head and body.
After that, he came into a room where there were two more wounded which he intimidated and threatened to kill, he also threatened a three-year-old child that was situated there along with his wounded mother.
The accused is charged with torture and inhuman treatment, as well as causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health of the wounded Bosniaks, thereby committing the criminal offense of War Crimes against the Wounded and the Sick under Article 174 of the CC BiH.
The indictment, along with supporting evidence, was forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.
This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).