Acting Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gordana Tadić, held a presentation at the UNDP Annual Conference entitled ‘Strengthening the Rule of Law for Sustainable Peace and Development’ taking place in New York.
The main part of the presentation related to the activities and efforts of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure that war crimes do not remain unsanctioned and that the work on war crimes cases be improved through regional cooperation with prosecutors’ offices from the neighbouring countries.
The Acting Chief Prosecutor talked about the rule of law after 22 years of peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the merits and legacy of the ICTY, as well as about the judicial efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure the rule of law, peace and security for all citizens.
In addition, the Chief Prosecutor noted the contribution of the HJPC of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other judicial institutions and law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina that monitor their work.
An international conference, organised by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is attended by a large number of participants from countries around the world, who will talk about efforts to prevent conflicts, prosecute war crimes perpetrators and other serious offences in order to maintain peace, the rule of law and security in many parts of the world.