

26.02.2014. 14:59
The accused Brankica Ivanović – born on February 12, 1979 in Brčko where she resides, BiH citizen, charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Smuggling of Persons under Article 189 of the CC BiH - entered into plea agreement with the Prosecutor of the Special Department III within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH.
By virtue of signing the agreement the accused fully admitted committing the criminal offenses she was charged with by the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH issued on May 14, 2013 and confirmed by the Court of BiH on May 20, 2013. Pursuant to the agreement the Prosecutor and the accused agree that she be rendered a one (1) year imprisonment sentence by the Court of BiH as well as that in line with Article 74 of the CC BIH items intended for use/used in commission of the criminal offense i.e. a number of mobile telephones and SIM card be forfeited. In determining the sentence the following facts were taken into account: that the accused has no prior convictions; that she is a mother of a minor child and the sole provider for both her ill parents and her minor child; that she is unemployed and indigent; and that she pleaded guilty to these criminal offenses thus helping to reduce costs of the criminal proceedings. The proposed sentence is in line with the role of the accused person in commission of the criminal offenses. With this agreement the accused confirms that she is aware of the content of the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH. She also confirms that the plea statement was given voluntarily, knowingly and with full understanding. Pursuant to this agreement the accused has waived her right to a trial as well as her right to appeal the criminal sanction that shall be rendered to her by the Court of BiH. She was also informed that she may have to pay the costs of the criminal proceedings in which the costs of the Prosecutor's Office alone equal BAM 1.674.50. The agreement was submitted to the Court of BiH.
