

31.12.2013. 11:13

The Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor's Office issued an indictment against the following persons:


-      Z. T. (1983) from Šamac, with prior convictions, citizen of BiH,

-      S. S. (1985) from Šamac, with prior convictions, citizen of BiH,

-      S. M. (1974) from Banja Luka ,with prior convictions, citizen of BiH and

-      D. M. (1979) from Banja Luka, citizen of BiH.

The accused Z.T. is charged to have in the period from June 2012 to February 2013, with the aim of committing the criminal offense of Smuggling of Goods under Article 214, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the CC BiH, organized and led an organized crime group within the meaning of Article 1, Paragraph 20 of the CC BiH. The other listed accused persons have joined the group. The group was organized to transfer across the border crossings: Rača, Pavlovića most and Šepak, while evading evade customs control measures, more than a thousand packets of cigarettes from the territory of the Republic of Serbia on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a goal to resale the goods  in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia thus acquiring unlawful gain.

As the indictment alleges, this organized group has repeatedly carried medical products whose import and export is prohibited, restricted or requires special permission and approval of the competent authority (ampoules of Lidocaine, Epinephrine injections 40 mg + 0.025 mg, Ubistein forte 40 mg /ml +0.01 mg/ml, the cement for dental filling, the cement for all-ceramic crowns, encapsulated fillings, solid and liquid fillings).

The first accused Z. T. is charged to have, in order to commit the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195 Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH and acquire unlawful gain, organized a group of people in terms of Article 1 Paragraph 19 of the CC BiH,  for the purpose of illicit sale, transfer, transportation, storing, and interceding in subsequent sales, imports and exports, sending and delivery of narcotic drug "Cocaine", which was declared a narcotic drug by applicable legislation  and the traffic of which can be carried out only on the basis of license issued by a competent authority in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Republic of Croatia. The group was joined by people from Croatia and Serbia known to him.

The accused Z.T. is charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250, Paragraph 3 of in conjunction with the criminal offense of Smuggling of Goods under Article 214, Paragraphs 1 and 2, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH, all in conjunction with Article 53 of the CC BiH. The accused S.S is charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250, Paragraph 2 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Smuggling of Goods under Article 214, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH and the accused persons S.M. and D. M. are charged with the criminal offense of Organized Crime under Article 250, Paragraph 2 in conjunction with the criminal offense of Smuggling of Goods under Article 214, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the CC BiH.

The indictment was forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.
