By order of the Prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH SIPA Officers arrested seven suspects in the area of Banja Luka and Kotor Varoš.
These persons are under investigation by the Prosecutor's Office of BiH and are suspected to have, committed the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity under Article 172 of the CC BiH during the course of a widespread and systematic attack directed at the Bosniak and Croat population in the period from May 1992 to the end of 1992.
They are suspected to have, as policemen and senior officers, participated in the mass persecution of the Bosniak and Croat population from their homes in the area of Kotor Varoš and the surrounding area thus persecuting about a hundred persons.
Following the persecution, the victims were illegally confined in prisons and detention facilities in Kotor Varoš where they were tortured and abused in various ways, and where several persons have died as a consequence of torture, beatings and abuse.
The persons with the following initials: S.T., D.B., D.V., D.M., R.K., I.K. and R.Š. were deprived of liberty.
The arrested suspects will be handed over, within the legal deadline, to the Assigned Prosecutor who will question them and then decide on a motion for remand in custody.