

18.10.2013. 18:06

The European Commission published a 2013 progress report, the significant part of which is dedicated to strengthening of the rule of law and judicial reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Prosecutor’s Office is pleased with the Commission’s assessment,  that the signing of the Protocols on cooperation in prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, which were signed in the first half of this year, has contributed to significant progress in regional cooperation on prosecution of war crimes.


"Relations with Serbia have improved. The key development was the signing of a Protocol on cooperation in prosecution of perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. An Agreement on extradition has been signed. An agreement on readmission with shortened procedure and several implementing protocols were signed between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, replacing the existing one.


Relations with Croatia have intensified. An important development has been the signature of the Protocol on cooperation in the prosecution of perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. A Treaty with the Republic of Croatia on extradition and an Agreement on cooperation in the field of defence has been ratified.


Overall, there has been very good progress in the field of judicial cooperation with the other countries of the region. Bosnia and Herzegovina has continued to participate actively in regional cooperation and to maintain good neighbourly relations. “ states the report.


It was also found that the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office have significantly contributed to expediting the process of exhumations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


"Since the State Prosecutor’s Office took over responsibility from local prosecutors for conducting exhumations of mass graves, efficiency in the excavation process has improved significantly, and there has been a decrease in the backlog of cases. In all, 283 exhumations took place over the reporting period, resulting in a recovery of 179 cases. Approximately 3 270 sets of unidentified remains are being stored in identification facilities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and need to be inspected by the Prosecutor’s Office. " –is another statement in the Report.


The report speaks positively about the upcoming strengthening of the capacities of the Prosecutor’s Office i.e. the 13 new Prosecutors.


It also gives a  positive assessment in terms of strengthening the fight against organized crime.


"Bosnia and Herzegovina has made limited progress in the fight against organised crime and terrorism. Cooperation among law enforcement agencies continues, but a more systematic exchange of information intelligence remains to be consolidated, and coordination mechanisms need to be set up. A number of successful large-scale joint police operations have taken place, some of them in coordination with the authorities from neighbouring countries. However, at domestic level, cooperation between police and prosecutors’ offices requires structural improvements to guarantee more effective judicial follow-up"- states the report.


The report speaks of joint police operations, which have been ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office and carried out throughout the whole country, in a positive context. These operations were ordered by prosecutors in the fight against organized crime and have involved hundreds of officers from police agencies from all levels.


" Bosnia and Herzegovina has formed a working group to prepare a new strategy to fight organised crime and an Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA). A number of successful largescale joint police operations took place. The number of suspected cases of organised crime reported to prosecutors’ offices increased by over 200%.“ - lists the Report.


The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina would like to inform the citizens of our country, that it shall continue, with even greater intensity, its fight against organized crime and corruption and prosecution of war crimes with the aim of strengthening the rule of law in our country and creating a safer living environment for all of our citizen in the country’s path towards European integration.
